Best in Home Office Ergonomics

Ergonomics are central to a healthy and happy office experience, so here’s some recommendations from our field testing:

Last updated: June 2023

Some of The Best Products on Amazon for Improving Posture and Relieving Your Back and Neck Pain.

Upright GO

Our take: Surprisingly, this small and simple device can make a notable impact in the journey to improving your posture while you work at your desk. If you want to be aware of how horrible your posture actually is, wear this for 15 minutes. Day by day this device can help you form better habits in everything you do. Highly recommended.

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Our take: The brute-force option. If you have lower back pain, this device kind-of helps you to divert some of the strain by pulling your lumbar forward. It’s only comfortable for about 15-20 minutes because the strain is displaced to the knees, but it’s a great desk companion to rotate in. It does the trick when you’re feeling a bit fatigued and aren’t as inclined to stand. 

Draw-backs: tangles like a truck’s bench-seatbelt, and could pose the risk of injury for some. Be safe out there.

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VariDesk Pro

Our take: Sitting is so 2000’s, so if you are looking to retrofit your desk instead of taking the financial plunge into a full-rising desk, this is a great option. You will be trading some of your desk space though.

Upgrade: For the deeper pockets out there, here’s our premium recommendation: Get an UpLift.

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FluidStance Balance Board

Our take: There are plenty of alternatives, but these things are super fun. But pricey.  You’d be hard up to make standing in one spot any more exciting.  There is no better way to work on your shove-its while taking office calls.

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Anti Fatigue Standing Mat

Our take: Get you some terra-formed cushion. More terrain options would be nice, and eco-friendly materials, but those remain to be unmet demands. Until then, there’s this.

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Posture Corrector Brace

Our take: There are a lot of options similar to this one on Amazon, and while none of them are perfect, they can be helpful. It may make you appear like a wanna-be detective, but it’s an inexpensive way to reduce some of the tendency to slouch.  All in all, it can provide some assistance, yet don’t count on it being a fix-all solution. 

No kickbacks; no affiliations; just a suggestion.

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